Privacy Policy

VidUp Application (" VidUp", "we", "us", the "Service" or "our") , in this Privacy Policy we refer to our products and services as the "Services". Please read on to learn more about our data processing practices. We respect your privacy and want you to understand how we collect, use and share data about you. This Privacy Policy covers our data collection practices and describes your rights to access, correct, or restrict our use of your personal data; using plain language and minimizing legal and technical jargon. Your privacy is at the core of how we design and build the services and products you know and love so that you can trust them completely and focus on building meaningful connections. Unless we link to a different policy or indicate otherwise, this Privacy Policy applies when you access or use the Services. Your use of the Service constitutes your agreement to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Service.

1. Controller

Controller: The controller for data processing is VidUp . You can contact us via email under the email address.

Data Protection Officer: Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted via email address. If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact him/her.

2. What data we collect

This Privacy Policy applies to the websites, applications and other services we operate. We process personal data that you provide to us as a user of our products (for example, by using our products) and personal data that users provide to us ("Data"). We can't help you make meaningful connections without some of your data, such as basic profile details and the type of people you want to meet. We also collect information generated when you use our Services, such as access logs, and information from third parties, such as when you access our Services through a social media account. We also collect some data automatically, such as information about your device and which parts of our Services you interact with or spend time using.

2.1 Data you provide to us

Account Data: In order to use certain features (register for an account) you need to create a user account. When you create or update an account, we collect and store the data you provide, such as your name, gender and date of birth, and assign you a unique identifier ("Account Data").

Profile Data: You may also choose to provide profile information, such as a photo, messages, name, sexual interests, or other data. Your profile data will be publicly viewable by others unless you delete your account. To add certain content (such as pictures or videos), you can give us access to your camera or album. Some of the information you choose to provide us may be considered "special" or "sensitive" in some jurisdictions, such as your racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation and religious beliefs. By choosing to provide this information, you consent to our processing of this information.

Usage Data: When you use our services and features, we collect certain data, including: messages, audio, photos, videos, gifts, and other user data. Of course, as part of operating the Service, we also process your chats with other users and the content you post.

Shared Content: Some Services allow you to interact with other users or share content publicly, including gifts you receive, videos you post, and data you provide in your profile. Such shared content may be publicly viewable by others depending on where it is posted.

Promotions: When you choose to participate in one of our promotions, events or contests, we collect the information you use to register or participate. If you win, we will collect financial information to award you.

Data about your accounts on other services: If your social media or other online accounts are linked to your accounts on our Services, we may obtain certain information through those accounts. If you log into our Services through Facebook or another third-party platform, we will ask for your permission to access certain information about that other account. For example, depending on the platform or service, we may collect your name, profile picture, gender, information, and birthday.

These platforms and services provide information to us through their APIs. The information we receive depends on what information you (via your privacy settings) or the Platform or Service decide to provide to us.

If you access or use our Services through a third-party platform or service, or click on any third-party link, the collection, use and sharing of your data will also be governed by that third party's privacy policy and other agreements.

Data about paid services: All of our paid services are conducted via the iOS or Android platform. We only receive transaction receipts provided by these platforms. For security reasons, we do not collect or store sensitive cardholder data, such as full credit card numbers or card authentication data.

Communications and Support: If you contact us for support or to report a question or concern (whether or not you create an account), we collect and store your contact information, messages, and other data about you, such as your name, email address , location, operating system, IP address, and any other data you provide or that we collect through automated means (which we describe below). In accordance with this privacy policy, we use this data to respond to you and research your questions or concerns. We collect information about other people that you provide to us if you ask us to communicate with or otherwise process other people's information (for example, if you ask us to send an email to one of your friends on your behalf). in order to complete your application.

Sensitive information: Please be cautious about posting sensitive details about yourself on your profile, such as your religious affiliation and health details. Although you may voluntarily provide this information to us when creating your profile, you are not required to do so. Please remember that photos or any video clips you post on our Services may reveal such sensitive personal data. If you upload and choose to tell us sensitive data about yourself, you expressly consent to us processing your information and disclosing it to other users.

2.2. Data from others

In addition to information you provide to us directly, we also receive information about you from others or through automated means, including:

System Data: technical data about your computer or device, such as your IP address, device type, operating system type and version, unique device identifier, device language, browser, browser language and other system data and platform type ( "system data" ).

Usage Data: We collect information about your activity on our Services, such as how you use them (for example, the date and time you log in, the features you have been using, search preferences, number of clicks, and the pages you are shown , referencing web page addresses, ads you click) and how you interact with other users (e.g., users you connect to and interact with, times and dates of communications, the number of messages you send and receive, the amount of content you post).

Device Information: We collect information about the device you use to access our Services, including:

hardware and software information such as IP address, device type, device-specific and application settings and characteristics, application crashes, advertising IDs (such as Google's AAID and Apple's IDFA, both of which are randomly generated numbers that you can reset by going into your device settings), browser type, version and language, operating system, time zone, identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies that uniquely identify your device or browser.

Additional information with your consent: If you give us permission, we may collect your precise geographic location (latitude and longitude) in a variety of ways, depending on the service and device you use, including GPS, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connections . Even if you are not using the Services, collection of your geolocation may occur in the background if you have given us permission that expressly permits such collection. If you deny our permission to collect your geolocation, we will not collect it. Likewise, we may collect photos and videos from you if you agree (for example, if you want to post photos, videos or streams on the Service).

Approximate geographic data: Approximate geographic location calculated based on your IP address, including information such as country, city, and geographic coordinates.

Other partners: We may receive information about you from our partners, for example, where our advertising is posted on their websites and platforms (in which case they may pass on details about the success of the campaign) information).

3. How we obtain data about you

We use tools such as analytics services and advertising providers to collect the data listed below. Some of these tools enable you to opt out of data collection.

3.1 Analysis

The main reason we use your information is to provide and improve our services. In addition, we use your information to help ensure your safety. Please read on for a more detailed explanation of the various reasons why we use your information, as well as practical examples.

Third-party usage analysis tools: We use tools provided by Google Inc (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”)) on our Services for usage analysis. Firebase, operated by Google, HYPERLINK "" is also used for usage analysis purposes.

Third-party conversion tracking tools: Adjust , Google Conversion Tracking API and Facebook Conversion Tracking API are used for user conversion tracking. Admost is a monetization tool for analyzing user preferences and advertising data as well as conversion tracking.

Crash detection tool: We use Firebase for crash detection. It facilitates the maintenance and improvement of the Service. All your crash data is collected anonymously.

3.2 Online advertising

We use third-party advertising services such as Google Advertising Services (DFP, Admob, AdX), Facebook Audience Network, etc. to serve online advertising to end users within our Services, including mobile applications and websites. These ads may be based on information we know about you (as detailed in Section 2.2 “Data from Others”) and information these advertising service providers know about you based on their tracking data. These ads can be based on your recent activity or activity over time and across other services, and can be personalized to your preferences and interests. You may also receive personalized online advertising when using other services. We sometimes promote our services on some third-party platforms, such as Google's Adwords, Apple's search ads, Unity, Tiktok (ByteDance), Snapchat, Facebook custom campaigns, and Google Ads.

We work with marketing service providers (such as Facebook) ("Marketing Service Providers") to help us market and promote our apps and services on third-party websites and apps and to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. We may use data to include you in a "custom audience" that will receive VidUp advertising content (a custom audience is essentially a list of people we think will be most likely to be interested in a particular ad).

Depending on the types of advertising services we use, cookies or other tracking technologies may be placed on your device to collect data about your use of our Services, and these tracking technologies may be accessed in order to provide you with these personalized ads. To help provide personalized advertising, we may provide these service providers with hashed, anonymized versions of your personal information and content you share publicly on the Services in a non-human-readable form.

We also use third-party tools to analyze and track advertising and user data. They are used for statistical purposes. We use Adjust and Admost , which are GDPR compliance tools.

Only irreversibly anonymous data is used in all advertising processes, including personalized advertising, so no conclusions can be drawn about the identity of the person concerned.

If you access or use our Services through a third-party platform or service, or click on any third-party link, the collection, use and sharing of your data will also be governed by that third party's privacy policy and other agreements.

All third-party tools are GDPR compliant.

If you are located in a territory protected by CCPA and GDPR, you can change your personalized advertising preferences through Settings.

4. What purposes do we use your data for?

The main reason is to provide and improve our services. In addition, we use your information to help ensure your safety. Please read on for a more detailed explanation of the various reasons why we use your information, as well as practical examples.

To manage your account and provide you with our services

Create and manage your account

Provide you with customer support and respond to your requests

Complete your transaction

Communicate with you about our services, including order management and billing

Help you connect with other users

Analyze your and other users’ profiles to recommend meaningful connections

Show user profiles to each other

Improve our services and develop new services

Manage focus groups and surveys

Conduct research and analysis of user behavior to improve our services and content (for example, we may decide to change the look and feel or even significantly modify a given feature based on user behavior)

Develop new features and services (for example, we may decide to further build new interest-based features based on user requests).

Prevent, detect and combat fraud or other illegal or unauthorized activities

Address ongoing or suspected misconduct on and off the platform

Perform data analysis to better understand and design countermeasures for these activities

Retain data related to fraudulent activity to prevent recurrence

Ensure legal compliance

Comply with legal requirements

assist law enforcement

To enforce or exercise our rights, such as our Terms

In order to process your information as set out above, we rely on the following legal bases:

To provide you with our services:Most of the time, the reason we process your information is for the performance of a contract you have entered into with us. For example, when you use our Services to make meaningful connections, we use your information to maintain your account and profile, make it viewable by other users and recommend you to other users.

Legitimate interests: We may use your information where we have legitimate interests. For example, we analyze user behavior on our Services to continually improve our offerings, suggest products we think may be of interest to you, and we process information for administrative, fraud detection, and other legal purposes.


Push message marketing: With your explicit consent, we will send you marketing push messages.

Email Marketing: With your explicit consent, we may send you marketing emails.

Text messages: With your explicit consent, we may send you text messages (SMS).

Consent: From time to time, we may ask for your consent to use your information for certain specific reasons. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the address provided at the end of this privacy policy.

5. How we share information

5.1 With other users:

When you voluntarily disclose information on the Services, including your public profile, you share information with other users. Please be careful with your information and make sure that what you share is content that you are willing to see publicly, because once you share your information, neither you nor we can control what others do with your information.

5.2 With our service providers and partners:

We use third parties to help us operate and improve our services. These third parties assist us with a variety of tasks, including data hosting and maintenance, analytics, customer service, marketing, advertising, payment processing, and security operations. These service providers may have access to your personal data and may only use it in accordance with our instructions to provide the services requested by us.

We may also share information with partners who distribute and assist us in promoting our services. For example, we may share limited information about you in hashed, non-human-readable form with advertising partners.

We follow a strict vetting process before working with any service provider or working with any partner. All of our service providers and partners are required to agree to strict confidentiality obligations.

5.3 When required by law:

We may disclose your information if reasonably necessary: (i) to comply with legal process, such as a court order, subpoena or search warrant, government/law enforcement investigation or other legal request; (ii) to assist in the prevention or detection of a crime (in each case are subject to applicable laws); (iii) protect the safety of any person.

5.4 Exercise legal rights:

We may also share information: (i) if disclosing the information would reduce our liability in actual or threatened litigation; (ii) to protect our legal rights and that of our users, business partners or other interested parties Necessary for our legal rights; (iii) to enforce our agreements with you; (iv) to investigate, prevent, or take other action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, or other misconduct.

5.5 Monitoring:

Moderators monitor activity on the website/app and approve content. Fraud prevention and anti-spam providers protect services from criminal activity.

5.6 Change of control:

We may need to disclose your personal data if our Services or any of its affiliates undergoes a business transition or change of ownership, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, reorganization or sale of all or a portion of its assets, or bankruptcy or administration.

6. Your rights

You have certain rights regarding the use of your data, including the ability to opt-out of cookies and the rights collected by certain analytics providers. You can update or terminate your account on our Services, or you can contact us to make an individual rights request regarding your personal data. We want you to take control of your information, so we give you the following tools:

Access/Update Tools within the Service: Tools and account settings that help you access, correct, or delete information you have provided to us and that is associated with your account directly within the Service.

Device permissions: Mobile platforms have permission systems for specific types of device data and notifications, such as phone book and location services and push notifications. You can change the settings on your device to agree or object to the collection of information or the display of notifications. Of course, some services may lose full functionality if you do this.

Deletion: You can delete your account directly using the corresponding function on the Service.

We want you to understand your privacy rights. Here are a few key points to remember:

Review of your information: Applicable privacy laws may give you the right to review the personal information we hold about you (depending on the jurisdiction, this may be called a right of access, a right of portability or a variation of these Terms). You may request a copy of your personal information by sending us an email to .

Updating your information: If you believe that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or that we no longer have the right to use it and wish to request correction, deletion or object to its processing, please contact us at .

To protect your safety and the safety of all of our users, we may ask you to provide proof of identity before we can answer the above request.

Please keep in mind that we may deny a request for certain reasons, including if the request is unlawful or may violate trade secrets or intellectual property rights or the privacy of other users. If you wish to receive information about another user, such as a copy of any messages you receive from him or her through our Services, the other user must contact our Privacy Officer to provide written consent before the information is released.

In addition, we may be unable to comply with certain requests to object to the processing of personal information, in particular if such requests do not allow us to no longer provide services to you. For example, if we do not have your date of birth, we cannot provide the Service.

Uninstall: You can uninstall the App using your device's standard uninstall process to stop all information collection by the App. If you uninstall the App from your mobile device, the unique identifier associated with your device will continue to be stored. If you reinstall the App on the same mobile device, we will be able to re-associate this identifier with your previous transactions and activity.

Responsibility: In some countries (including the European Union), if you have concerns about how we process your personal information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data protection authority. The data protection authority to which you may lodge a complaint may in particular be your place of habitual residence, your place of work or our place of establishment.

If you would like to exercise any of the above rights, please visit our feedback form or email

7. Data retention

We retain your personal information only for legitimate business purposes and as permitted by applicable law. To protect the security of users on and off our service, we implement a six-month security retention window after account deletion, unless there are technical difficulties. During this time, some of your account information will be retained, although the account will no longer be visible on the Service. In fact, we will delete or anonymize your information upon deletion of your account (after a security retention window) or 5 years of continuous inactivity. An account is considered inactive when a member's application has not established contact with VidUp 's servers (including due to deactivation of the geolocation process) and the member is not using the application. In any event, a Premium Member's account is not considered inactive.


We must retain it to comply with applicable law (for example, certain "traffic data" will be retained for one year to comply with statutory data retention obligations) and to prevent bots from abusing the system;

We must retain it to demonstrate our compliance with applicable law (for example, records of consents to our Terms, Privacy Policy and other similar consents will be kept for five years);

There is an outstanding issue, claim or dispute that requires us to retain the information until it is resolved; or

Information must be retained for our legitimate business interests, such as preventing fraud and enhancing user security. For example, information may need to be retained to prevent users who have been banned from opening new accounts due to unsafe conduct or security incidents.

Correspondence to our customer support team will be retained for a longer period of time to allow us to deal with any subsequent queries you may have, but will normally be deleted within 6 years if there are no queries.

Anonymous information about activity on our services is retained for longer periods of time for statistical and product research purposes, but once the profile is deleted, the information cannot be attributed to an individual.

Please keep in mind that while our systems are designed to perform a data deletion process in accordance with the guidelines above, due to technical limitations we cannot promise to delete all data within a specific time frame.

8. Data protection and security

We work hard to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or alteration, disclosure or destruction. Like all technology companies, while we take steps to keep your information secure, we do not promise (and you should not expect) that your personal information will always remain secure. Your password is an important part of our security system and you are responsible for protecting it. You should not share your password with any third party. If you believe your password or account has been compromised, you should change your password immediately. If you have any questions, please contact .

We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks and regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices to update our physical, technical and organizational security measures.

If we suspect or discover any security breach, we may suspend your use of all or part of the Services without prior notice. If you believe that your account or information is no longer secure, please notify us immediately. We are not responsible for virus protection outside our service network. We are also not responsible for damage or destruction of user data. We will pursue every discovered hacking and other attacks in accordance with civil laws and hold them accountable through prosecutors when necessary.

In the event of a breach, we will notify EU representatives, our DPO and our users who are or may be affected by the vulnerability within 72 hours of the attack. We will announce it on our web page.

9.Children ’s Privacy

Our services are limited to users over 18 years of age. We do not allow users under the age of 18 to use our Platform, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18. If you suspect that a user is under 18, please use the Services. If we discover that a child, minor, or anyone under the age of 18 has registered with us and provided us with personal data, we will take steps to terminate that person's registration and delete their profile information from our Services. If we delete a profile because you violated our No Children Rules, we may retain basic account and profile information to ensure that you do not attempt to circumvent our rules by creating a new profile.

10. Privacy Policy Changes

We're always looking for new and innovative ways to help you make meaningful connections, and this policy may change over time. We will notify you before any significant changes take effect so that you have time to review them.

11. Contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement and the processing of your personal data, you can contact us directly. If you need information, make a request or make a complaint, we can also help you with:
